Giving in the
School of the Environment
Your contributions to the School of the Environment advance our work towards a more vibrant and resilient Earth and a sustainable future for Idaho. Help us develop interdisciplinary solutions to environmental challenges on our changing planet.
Ways to give
The School of the Environment welcomes gifts and support in any way that best suits you. You can give online, direct a matching gift from your employer or make a memorial gift. Giving by check? Please make it payable to Boise State University Foundation and mail to:
Boise State University Foundation
1173 W University Dr.
Boise, ID 83706
All gifts benefit students and are eligible for the Idaho Education Tax Credit.
Your support of the School of the Environment Excellence Fund will:
Expand student field experiences
The School of the Environment recognizes the value of learning spaces beyond the classroom. The SoE is committed to offering experiential learning opportunities that allow students to partner with environmental services in Idaho to make a positive impact on our community.
Prepare the next generation of the environmental workforce
The SoE aims to provide internships, service projects, and research opportunities for career readiness. SoE students receive degrees, certificates, and training that support the changing demands of the environmental job market.
Grow societally-impactful environmental research
The SoE is uniquely positioned to facilitate environmental research that is relevant to Idaho. Current focus areas include:
- Climate mitigation and adaptation
- Sustainable energy transitions
- Ecosystem and species conservation
- Water and society
Connect Boise State to key stakeholders in Idaho
The SoE leverages its growing network to connect the campus to the community to affect positive change to environmental challenges in our state.
Students and Alumni
Your gifts light the path for the environmental changemakers of tomorrow. Hear stories from School of the Environment alumni and learn how your gifts enable their success.
Are you interested in giving, but not sure where to start? Or have a specific area of interest in the School of the Environment? Let’s chat!
Melanie Bannister
Senior Director of Development